Hello and welcome to the DSC Podcast. Step inside and join our conversations as we seek the depth in all things. Be it mysticism, therapy, mythology or world events – we will seek not to find answers but rather to come up with ever better questions. Hosted by Richard Cox.
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
A Question of Memory 3. Past Life Regression with Simon Bown
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Thursday Aug 03, 2023
Simon Bown is a past life regression therapist and host of the Past Lives Podcast, where he investigates all sorts of evidence for survival of the human soul.
Having produce two episodes in the ‘A Question of Memory Series’, where I basically concluded there was little evidence to believe hypnotic regression could reliably be used to recover memories, I thought it would be good to have someone on to challenge that position - and who better than a guest who employs such techniques to recover memories from different lives altogether!
In this interview I ask Simon about the therapeutic benefits he sees in his work, and why he feels these are not best explained as just ‘theatre of the mind’. We then get into whether there are any dangers in conflating fantasy and reality, and finally what the metaphysical implications of all this are.
Listen to Simon’s Past Lives Podcast here: https://www.pastlivespodcast.co.uk/
Find out about his past life regression work here:
And listen to the Alien and UFO podcast here:
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Detainee 441, An Interview with Mansoor Adayfi (Guantanamo Bay)
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Saturday Jul 29, 2023
Mansoor Adayfi was held without charge in Guantanamo Bay for over fourteen years. This was in spite of the fact that early on it was apparent he had no connection to Al Qaeda, and had essentially been sold to the CIA for a bounty.
In this interview, Adam Fitzgerld and I ask Mansoor about his experience in the camps, what their real purpose was and how his faith helped him maintain his humanity for all those years. We also ask about his recently publicised encounters with Florida governor Ron DeSantis.
Released to Serbia in 2016, Mansoor now writes, creates art and advocates for the men who remain at Guantanamo. In 2021 he published his memoir, ‘Don’t Forget Us Here’. You can follow his activities here: https://www.mansooradayfi.com/
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
My Friends Hate Freedom!
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
Tuesday Jul 25, 2023
I recently appeared on the ‘My Friends Hate Freedom’ podcast, to discuss COVID, geopolitics, spirituality, mythology and more. The host, Bearsnare, even let me read some of my poems!
Check out My Friends Hate Freedom here: https://thebearsnare.com/podcast-episode-1/
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
COVID: Iatrogenic Deaths and Early Spread, an interview with Bill Rice Jr
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Bill Rice Jr is a professional journalist, whose frustration with the COVID narrative led him to break free and ply his trade on Substack. His regular newsletter now attracts thousands of readers. I came across Bill’s work when preparing the Measuring the Mandates report, as he has specialised in documenting the evidence for early spread of the virus. Although we’d approached this question from different angles, we’d both realised the implications of this: that COVID couldn’t be the thing driving the excess mortality. This is the biggest scandal of our time.
In this interview I ask Bill all about that. We also discuss some of his writing and insights into how ‘The Narrative’ insulates and protects itself, and what we can do to break through.
Follow Bill on Substack: https://billricejr.substack.com/
Read Measuring the Mandates, Questioning the States Response to COVID-19:
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Sunday Jul 16, 2023
Zandra Lewis was a registered nurse and Director of Abbotswood Nursing Home on the Isle of Man at the time the COVID-19 pandemic was announced. In this interview Mrs. Lewis gives her account of what happened when the Island’s government took direct control of Abbotswood, during the early part of the COVID era. Whilst this situation is, as far as I’m aware, unique, it gives insight into practices that were common across Britain and the wider world - those of end of life pathways, denial of food and water and use of respiratory suppresent drugs like midazolam.
Zandra’s account is featured in the Measuring the Mandates book, freely available here:
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Gnosticism and Anarchism, on Aeon Byte Gnostic Radio
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
I was recently a guest at the Virtual Alexandria itself, Aeon byte Gnostic Radio, where we discussed the intersection of Gnosticism and Anarchism, and whether they are synonymous regarding worldviews and goals? What can the Gnostic myths tell us about coercion and tyranny, including what has happened today with the erosion of individual rights?
Visit the Virtual Alexandria at: https://thegodabovegod.com/
Find my writing and podcasting on all platforms at: https://www.deepstateconsciousness.com/
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
The Lunatic Fringe? 5. An Interview with Bart Sibrel
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Today’s guest is the ‘Moon Man’ himself, Bart Sibrel. Mr. Sibrel has produced two documentaries on the Moon landings; A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon, where he presents what he contends is proof of NASA faking the missions, and Astronauts Gone Wild, where Buzz Aldrin punches him in the face. For this interview, I went looking for the best criticisms I could find of Bart’s claims, and put them to him. I think this is informative whatever side of this debate you fall on.
All of Bart’s work can be found on his website - https://www.sibrel.com/
This is the particular clip Bart references regarding the Apollo 11 crew faking footage - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAtn7hgfQ7A
I drew most of my criticisms from the YouTube channel, Humans of Earth - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aP_z8F10oQ
To find this podcast on a variety of platforms see - https://www.deepstateconsciousness.com/podcast
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
Sunday Jun 04, 2023
‘The identification of a novel coronavirus had been announced by the world’s media, then suddenly vast numbers of people started dying across multiple countries. Whilst correlation alone does not prove causation, surely the new virus must be the sole culprit for these deaths.’
Read the full essay here:
Watch Jacqui Deevoy’s film, A Good Death?, here:
Dr. Jon Campbell’s presentation, Euthanasia in the Pandemic?:
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Measuring the Mandates Presentation Series, 1. Introduction
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Saturday Jun 03, 2023
Measuring the Mandates: Questioning the State’s Response to COVID-19 is an essay written by a group for submission to an inquiry into their government’s pandemic policies. As they were basically the same as pandemic policies everywhere else, it’s been converted into an internationally applicable version. At 22 thousand words, it ended up being a small book, which is freely downloadable from my website. In this series of presentations, I’m going to go through the various chapters on masking, lockdowns, vaccines, PCR and what caused all those excess deaths anyway. I’ll then read the conclusion, which looks at the philosophical underpinning of the state’s response.
Read the full essay here:
Saturday May 20, 2023
Measuring the Mandates: Questioning the State’s Response to COVID-19 (Part 2)
Saturday May 20, 2023
Saturday May 20, 2023
The second of two presentations delivered to ‘Manx People’s Community Support’ on an essay titled ‘Measuring the Mandates’, which questions government’s response to COVID-19.
The version of the essay, specific to the Isle of Man Government, can be read here:
An international version will be available soon